MarineGEO Hong Kong Observatory announces the official opening of the Swine Institute of Marine Science and gives an update on their ARMS retrieval and processing.
MarineGEO Hackai provides an update on the projects they've been focused on in 2022, including a roadmap to recovery for the sunflower sea star, a study on food web connectivity, and the False Creek bioblitz.
The MarineGEO research team revisited the Carrie Bow Cay station in Belize in late 2022 and found that corals were facing their own pandemic, with signs of stony coral tissue loss disease (SCTLD) and a decline in coral cover.
The BEACON project is a new MarineGEO network initiative to explore the relationship between biodiversity and energy availability in coastal marine ecosystems around the world.
Scientists from 36 sites across 110 degrees of latitude ran the same experiment to assess the intensity and impact of predators on local marine invertebrate communities.
This study is the first to leverage the long-term photographic data collected by MarineGEO at Carrie Bow Cay to show that coral cover has improved there since the program began in 2014.
Where are small marine animals most vulnerable to getting eaten? The answer has big consequences for coastal ecosystems since predators can radically change underwater communities.
New analyses from over 5 years of monitoring at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, reveal insights into ecosystem function in coral reefs and surrounding habitats.
MarineGEO is coordinating global seagrass research to gain a baseline understanding of seagrasses and the communities they support, both wild and human.